• sales@sattvicitsolutions.com
  • +91-9868404417, 8076538264
  • +91-8076538264

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Management Services

We facilitate shoppers manage their PPC campaigns towards their goals

From Google Ads to Facebook ads, we tend to facilitate our shoppers reach their consumers on the paid platforms that are simplest. Over the years we’ve managed several bucks of PPC budget and we’ve learned what makes a good relationship between a consumer and their PPC agency. We’ve engineered our PPC management program to support what gets our shoppers the simplest results while providing the final word level of transparency.

What’s enclosed in Monthly Management?

Our agency’s PPC management services embrace the subsequent tasks as a part of monthly management:
  • Bid Management
  • Landing Page Performance Review
  • Ad Placement and Targeting changes
  • Cost and Performance Analysis
  • Geo-targeting enhancements
  • Check-In Calls/Meetings
  • Keyword Management
  • Monthly Campaign Performance Report
  • Ad Copy improvement and Testing

Our Approach to PPC Management

Every agency can approach PPC from a unique angle. Here are the core beliefs our PPC program is predicated on:
  • 1. You Own the Account

    Your PPC account is associate quality. You procured it to be engineered and optimized, and you ought to own it, despite World Health Organization your PPC management agency is.

  • 2. Optimize for Conversions

    You care regarding leads and/or sales, not clicks, or impressions, or click-through-rate (CTR), or the other vainness metrics. we tend to solely optimize for the metrics your business understands and cares regarding.

  • 3. The report in linguistic communication

    We report on the metrics your business cares regarding, and spare you the technical nonsense. Unless you would like to swot out, then we’re happy to speak search.

  • 4. No Silos

    PPC program is made to support the efforts of our overall digital promoting department, specifically content promoting, conversion rate improvement (CRO) and programme improvement (SEO).

  • 5. No Long Contracts

    We believe the simplest thanks to keeping a consumer around is to try and do an incredible job, not lock them into a long contract.

  • 6. No Autopilot

    This ensures our PPC managers are invariably keeping a pulse on the account performance and creating enhancements quickly.

  • 7. Dedicated Account Manager

    Our account managers also will frequently post updates for shoppers on our project management computer code, Basecamp.

  • 8. Have the simplest methodology

    While we tend to use some technology to trace and tweak campaigns, the folks we've managing the accounts are the explanation for performance enhancements.

Are you a phone person?

We're happy to schedule a Free 30 Minute Consultation with you to discuss your website project.

